Simply top up your balance and pay only for the messages you send. There will be no additional costs for you. All features like the API, Email2SMS etc. are available free of charge for each account.
- Worldwide sending
- Own sender
- Free response
- Port numbers
- Delivery report
- Flash SMS
- Unicode messages
- 100% Guaranteed delivery
*All prices are subject to value added tax at the statutory state. Prices for non-EU countries may vary. Please check our full price list by country. The prices are valid for a sent SMS with 160 characters. Messages with more than 160 characters are calculated according to the number of sent SMS, in which for each SMS message 8 characters less are available. An SMS with e.g. 310 characters would thus be calculated with the triple SMS price. For SMS with unicode characters, ie characters which are not included in the standard GSM alphabet (e.g. cyrillic, arabic, etc.), only 70 character per SMS are possible. The price is then for 70 characters. No transmission to special call numbers.
Key accounts
You send 10,000 SMS per month or more? We would be happy to support you with your project. Contact us for our rates for key accounts and partners.
Additional services
The following additional services are available at an additional charge.
MNP Lookup
Check which network operator a number belongs to.
per request 0,005€
HLR Lookup
The validation of a number in the Home Location Register (HLR) is available worldwide and provides significantly more information on a phone number, e.g. roaming, network operator, and much more.
per request 0,01€
CNAM Lookup
Query the caller ID name for any number worldwide.
per request 0,0075€
Voice / Text2Speech
Let any number be called automatically and read out a defined text.
DE mobile for each started minute 0,075€
DE landline for each started minute 0,03€
Phone numbers
Register your own phone number at seven to receive dedicated SMS via our inbound system. We offer numbers from a variety of countries.
monthly from 19,90€
Setup from 9,90€
per incoming SMS 0,01€
SIM Hosting
You send us a SIM card and use your own physical phone number in our system.
monthly from 19,90€
Setup from 9,90€
per incoming SMS 0,00€
Prices as of: 02.12.2016. This offer is aimed at professionals, freelancers, clubs, parties and religious communities. All prices are net plus 19% VAT. EU companies with valid VAT ID. receive an invoice without VAT on request. The same applies to companies outside the EU (tax-reversed).