Zen Cart is a PHP-based online store management system. The software is open source and can be customized accordingly. There is also a large number of available plugins, such as our Zen Cart SMS plugin. The website advertises extensive configuration options and functions of the eCommerce solution. In addition, the software is supposed to be very user-friendly and easy to use. Another plus is that you can choose from numerous languages and currencies. There are also a lot of popular payment providers that you can choose to integrate.

As you can see, with Zen Cart, you can expect a flexible and scalable software that is backed by a large community. This also has the advantage that you can always turn to the official forum, where all questions related to the software are discussed.

Zen Cart: SMS schicken mit sms77-Plugin
Use the Zen Cart SMS Plugin from sms77 to easily send SMS to your customers.

The Zen Cart SMS Plugin

You want to send SMS with Zen Cart? With our plugin your wish is about to come true – simple, easy and without much effort. Install our plugin in your store system, set up the SMS sending according to your wishes and you are ready to send your first message. No matter if you want to extend your marketing strategy with mobile communication or if you would like to offer a special service to your customers by sending them shipping confirmations: SMS are a great and reliable choice.

If you want, you can even offer a return channel to your recipients. Book your own inbound number with us and give your customers the opportunity to reply to your SMS directly. This makes your conversation a lot easier. You might also want to use the reply option to conduct surveys or effectively expand your support. Your customers will definitely appreciate it.

Bulk SMS

  • With Zen Cart SMS plugin you can keep all of your customers updated with concise short messages. SMS are perceived as very personal and can strengthen your customer loyalty.

Sender name

  • Set your own sender ID so your customers can immediately see who is texting them. Your sender name can consist of up to eleven alphanumeric characters.


  • Assign different labels to your SMS, such as shipping, marketing or target group 1. This helps you to better distinguish and analyze the different messages in your statistics.
Massen-SMS versenden direkt aus Zen Cart

Send bulk SMS with the Zen Cart SMS plugin, click to enlarge

Flash SMS

  • Send SMS that only appear on the home screen of the recipient’s device and then disappear after they’re read. Our customers often use flash SMS to notify themselves of certain incidents.

Performance Tracking

  • Are you sending links in your messages? With our performance tracking, you can check which recipients clicked on the link and how often they did this. Perfect for your marketing workflow.

Advanced Settings

  • But wait, there’s more! Choose your own user data header and foreign ID, send SMS in UTF-8 and more. Visit our documentation linked below to see all setting options.

Need help installing or setting up the features?
Please find more information on our GitHub page.